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Pack of 2 works by Mukoujima Tenro [English] : Mutual Jealousy, Mio & Shirou, and Shinobu & Kazuya

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments
That image is called "vagina-censorship.jpg" : rarely shall I have shared a truer image, in regard to its name

Kindly brought to us by Desu and Darkfire, commissioner of numerous quality shares, here are two new works by an artist, I didn’t know, Mukoujima Tenro : Mutual Jealousy Mio And Shirou, and Mutual Jealousy Shinobu And Kazuya.

Both of them are about couples, in which jealousy strengthens the bonds between partners.

This sounds cute and all, like that, but, actually, I didn’t like these works. The women are depicted as naturally submitted to men and generously gifted with at least half their IQ and 1/10th of their determination, “it’s a man’s world”, that didn’t feel right, not to me.
Graphically, it’s a bit better, busty women having happy oral and lots of happy vaginal sex, with love (but not love “on equal terms”).
Well, see for yourselves, right ? :)

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Pack of 3 works by Kaientai, Also Known As Shuten Doujin [English, 101 pictures, warning : not for the weak of heart]

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 9 comments

These drawings... These stories... My right hand and my brain disagree on this matter

I repacked here three works by Kaientai, AKA Shouten Douji :
– Asuka Ga Yasashiku Fudeoroshi Shitekureru
– Confu Fantasy
– Marionette Queen 3.0.0

The shortest summary I could come up with would be Picard-flavoured : “what the fuck is that shit, tons of talent such storylines ?!? O_o”
A longer summary, now. Popular heroines, FF7’s Tifa, Evangelion’s Rei Ayanami and Asuka Sohryu Langley, through various means, are hypnotized (by hypocrites, my bonus pic !) and brought to enjoy being cumdumps. It’s only in Ayanami’s case the storyline is interesting, in my eyes, since the girl is liberated from manipulative assholes in order to fall into another group of manipulative assholes, with a few shackles removed nonetheless, is that worst or not, I wondered.

And that is served with effin’ GOOD drawing talent. The girls can make superbly arousing or teasing faces, their body is supple, their breasts are proudly pointing…

As such, that left me puzzled, but I still think the art is worth it, for all of you who can bear (or even enjoy of course !) such story lines.
Credits are for Anonygoo, TDV, Darc Mac, Afro Thunda, Lolotax, Imary, Psyburn21, Nemesis and Masamune, from Funeral Of Smiles, AfScans, Little White Butterflies and late Ragemanga, thank you !

By the same artist, known as Kaientai and Shuten Douji, I also share Hiru Wa Tomodachi No Okaa-san Yoru Wa Ore No Oyome-san (214 pictures), Marionette Queen 5.0.0, Hiru Wa Krillin No Tsuma, and 18-Gou Ga Saimin De NTR Reru Hon.

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Nanoha hentai doujin [English] : 767B, by Cyclone

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 6 comments
I hope a few of you enjoyed discovering this artist, because I have no plans to ever share some Cyclone again

That one will be an unusual share for me, but I’ll sometimes try to share stuff outside of my comfort zone. Here is a hentai work by the artist called Cyclone.

That’s probably be the last time I share something by Cyclone, but maybe this will interest people who didn’t know of Cyclone’s existence ! :) (There are plenty translated works by Cyclone outside, but just find them yourself, kthx)

767B is the softest, tamest, Cyclone stuff I’ve seen. Usually, the works by Cyclone describe mental crushing and physical disgusting hard rape of anime heroines, this is nasty stuff. Here, this is “only” a Nanoha heroine accepting defeat and yielding to her body’s needs, apparently : it’s almost softcore in comparison, it can barely be called mind break !
Graphically, this isn’t bad, we’ve got a man, a futa girl, and the Nanoha heroine who gradually stops lying to herself and enjoys being a sexual thing. Credits are for Saha, Makasu, and Sansker, props to them !

By the same artist, I also share 1006 Nano – Cyclone No Soushuuhen (a compilation of several works under one volume, namely: Fei Tas, Kukkoro, Marunomi, Nanoism, Fuokkin, Bonbon), 1004N+ Cyclone No Shoushuuhen (a compilation of several works under one volume, namely: Hayaten, Hayaten After Days, Hayaten 2nd After Days, Waoooon, Situation Note c80, Koooi Kishi, 1004N+), T-29 SenJoTeki, T-32 Hooollow + Hooollow 1.05, and a pack of 5 works (SuiSui 2, Shin Shin, KuRuuuu, Shin Shin 2 Bad and Koooi Kishi).

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To Love Ru Darkness hentai doujin [English, 81 pictures] : KTOK 4, by PTD (Also Known As Tatsuhiko)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 8 comments

The drawings aren't true to the original, but they're real sweet nonetheless, in my opinion :)

One could wonder how Rito, the male hero in To Love Ru Darkness, survives his daily trial. After all, he lives surrounded by teen girls constantly flashing at him their panties, underwear, titties and even bare smooth pussies. (And yet, how is that miracle possible, TLR-D is published in all all-ages magazine, lol.) Any normal boy would be fapping at least five times a day, if not two times more, under such heavenly pressure. But Rito can’t secure safe spots, the girls are always all over him.

Well, in the present parody, we have a reply : Rito is living under constant crotch emergency :lol:
The “gist” of this volume is that he is caught by Mea, a girl with a body manipulation technique, and also the talent to read minds and communicate from mind to mind. Mea starts the ecchi game to tease him, but mind communication goes both ways, and they grow intoxicated with each other until they’re fornicating like rabid rabbits.

Scenario-wise, there’s not much, but everything was brought at the proper pace, Rito’s predicament was developed long enough to provide welcome comical relief, we don’t jumpt straigh to “penis-pussy pumping”, it was fairly good. Graphically, however, will you like it ? The two characters aren’t very similar to the “real” manga ones, plumper. Me, I liked it, but, well, I’ll let you guys decide for yourselves ! ;)

I grayscaled and retouched a bit the images, it’s now 35 MB instead of 108 MB.
This pleasant share comes from Tigoris Translates, many thanks Tigoris ! :)

By the same artist, known as PTD and Tatsuhiko, I also share PTD-ERO1 and PTD-ERO4.

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Behind The Voice [English], by Ooshima Ryou

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments
"please-dont-notice-i-left-one-vagina-censored-lol.jpg"  --> I trust the image name is self-explanatory ^^

That’s a relatively unusual share, this one. The sister of the male hero is a guitarist, and physically she stands out, with a gorgeous body in slutty gear (ok, so far it’s the norm) and really heavy makeup (something usually left behind by the artists, I think.)

Scenario-wise, against all my expectations, though the brother is evidently the one leading their little game, the sister isn’t mindbroken, tricked, lied to, manipulated or anything — simply, we get to witness the sexy time between a brother and a sister spicing up their time together. It’s good, better than I was fearing at first when I thought the story would end up in domination of some sort O_o

By the same artist, I also share the great 204-pages long Love Bite, the uncensored version of A Body Blooming In Pleasure, In-Maniac and Our Family’s practice.

Update : Raelin has sent me an updated first page, with full credits this time ! I updated my zips and gallery links accordingly.
So, I’m now glad to be able to properly say it, thanks a lot to Raelin and Namyra, from Meow Scans ! :D

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Tasogare Otome x Amnesia hentai doujin [English] : Utakata Otome, by Ouma Bunshichirou (circle Kachuu Musume)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 10 comments

I like the name I gave to that pic, Star Wars like, "the-phantom-blowjob.jpg" ^^

Do you remember my previous share by Kachuu Musume, Shikabame ? Let’s take the same characters, the same idea, the blissfully cheerful atmosphere and the smiling faces, and throw another sex scene ! :D
(One thing I couldn’t figure out, previously was their first time, and here, it’s again their first time. Dafuq ?)

Just like before, the sex is cheerful, full of love, with mutual caring, it’s a soul-warmer :) Thanks a lot to Kusanyagi and Natto_F for this fine release :)
Just like before, I retouched the images, cf this Before VS After comparison.

FYI, in case you’re interested, the mangaka, Ouma Bunshichirou, is also part of a circle called Kacchuu Musume, and in that circle, there’s another very active mangaka called Hiyoshi Hana whose shared works are listed here.


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Aural Ecstasy #5

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By HurpDurp on 52 comments
Tags: Blindfold

Yahoo! HurpDurp here~! Let’s do a quick update in case you didn’t see it yet:

I got my new battery for my Zune, so I’m good to go with audios that last longer than an hour now! JobT (you may remember him from such things as COMMISSION A SHIT TON OF MANGA, HOLY FUCK DUDE) was nice enough to send me 8 bucks to buy it. So I did. Woo. However, the screws that close the thing are stripped so I cannot put them back in. I tried to find a store that sold them, but had no luck. If anyone happens to know the size let me know, then I’ll be able to just order them online most likely.

Next up: Last Tuesday, I uploaded a random drama CD that went along with a tankōbon that Oliver shared. I’ve now listened to that myself and came a bazillion times. Also, I’ve written up my review of it or whatever. You can see it on the original post Oliver made OR at the bottom of this post~! (I’ve also reuploaded it with both in one package, which I was unable to do before because me and Ollie were doing that at the same exact time.)

Finally: If you didn’t see it last week, I started using some new web hosts. Let me know if any/all/none of them work for you.

Note: This post contains a hypnosis session, which also comes with a non-erotic version.

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