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Cosmic explorer, and chocolover. | Registered: Sep 15, 2018 04:42
Pouah, imagine devoir retaper un profil parce que ça fait longtemps que t'es pas allé sur le site en question, et que c'est juste plus toi du tout... Nan je déconne... mais imagine.
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Comments Earned: 16
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Comments Made: 13
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User Profile
Accepting Trades
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No Character Species
Mountain's countryside dragon.
Favorite Music
Almost everything, but more dubstep, electronic sounds and all that goes with it.
Favorite TV Shows & Movies
The labyrinth trilogy. Final fantasy: the spirit within
Favorite Games
Hyper light drifter, Moonlighter, Sundered, Sonic adventure DX, Nuclear throne, Kirby, Starbound, Hollow knight... Phew that's a lot
Favorite Gaming Platforms
Nintendo consoles and PC
Favorite Animals
Cats, dragons, sloths, sharks, sergal... wait, almost everything, but not insects and deep ocean beasts..
Favorite Quote
Perfection is something everyone wants, but disagree with it's definition. Therefore, it can't be archived but in your heart.

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