aight apparently some of u are sick of the big paragraphs so ill just get straight to the point this time: this is a lot of ????. like seriously.. about to take my shower and brb ????
omg you actually cannot say i'm not catching you off guard tonight lol.. i mean i'm even doing the thing with my hand if you know what i mean ???????? idk honestly i just wanted to send you something special to get the weekend started ????
okay seriously who could say no to such an up close view of them ????????
let's make this simple tonight.. i had some time to myself in the bedroom so i decided to take some special pics for you ?????? well and i didn’t wanna choose sooo i thought i’d just give you some full body pics from body sides as well as a.. more close up one haha
remember that one time where i took you into the sauna with me? well.. let's just say it's that time again haha ???????????? except for this one i made sure to put even more focus on the pics from behind because i know those are your favs ????
and trust me it’s gonna drive you crazy lol ???? like i really wanted to give you the perfect view of my booty tonight sooo instead of just putting it on display in front of the mirror like yesterday.. i decided to set up my tripod at justttt the right height for you this time ????????????
okay i know this is gonna sound a bit corny butttt if you’ve ever wondered what heaven is like.. this will answer those questions ????
alright here i go.. the thing is some people have been complaining that i've only been doing the booty pics in like gym shorts lately anddd i figured it's time to put on an end to that tonight ???? so for this one i decided to put one of my bolder swimsuits.. i guess you could say to really put the ???? pics in focus ???? honestly if this won't have your jaw on the floor then idk what will haha
my senses were telling me you might want a closer view of my ???? this time… was i right? hehe ???? well even if i wasn’t it doesn’t really matter because ofc i set up my tripod to give you a close up booty shot too ????seriously don’t even act like u're not excited seeing me all of me like this.. especially when i’m wearing a color that really makes certain parts pop.. if you know what i mean ????
alright... this might be too much but i had to do it to catch you off guard again tonight ???? so i locked the bathroom door to get some private time and make sure you get the best possible angles, showing off these curves from both sides ?????? anddd since we both know how much you love seeing my ???? i figured i’d show you ALL the definition... while doing that thing with my hands as well ????
well what if i told you i literally climbed up on the sink to give you the perfect view of that booty i know you can't say no to ???? and yeah i know it's WAY more personal than usual.. but it's not every day i do this anddd honestly what better way to kick off a new month than by doing something a little special ????????